The 2013 Schedule of Events!

-To add to the event schedule or ask questions send email to:
-For directions to the Clubhouse (and other locations) go to the members' area.
-Schedule of Events archives: 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012.

Please confirm all event dates/times prior to making plans!
For detailed event information please see the AZ-D forum!


---------- 2013 ----------
Jan 12
Monthly lunch at Joe's Crab Shack in Tempe (Southern and McClintock) at NOON! Free appetizers to anyone who brings their DeLorean! Also, a free meal to anyone who drives their Time Machine to lunch! :-)
Jan 19
Downtown Historic Casa Grande Car Show - Located in downtown Casa Grande (duh!). This has been an annual AZ-D event for many years and we always have a great time and a great turn-out! See the forum for the entry form and additional information.
Feb 9
Monthly Lunch - This month will be planned by Kris and Stephanie... Details TBA.
Mar 10
Monthly Lunch - Noon. This month will be held at...
Mar 10
Wheels of Britain Car Show - This annual event is a favorite among AZ-D'ers! As usual it will be at Heritage Square in Phoenix. THIS IS THE LAST YEAR FOR THIS SHOW! Let's make sure the British car community knows we are here!
Mar 16 St. Patricks Day Parade and Festival -Always a favorite with AZ-D members, family and friends. See the forum for more information.
Mar 23-24
Highland Games - This two-day event is now located in Phoenix, at Steele Park, instead of Mesa. This will be the first year that AZ-D will formally be participating in the car show portion of the Highland Games.
Apr 7
Tech Event - Ken Koncelik (of DCS fame) will be in town for a tech event. Meet at Johnny and Sherine's house (The Westwing) at 9:00AM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided! See the forum for further details and to set up lift time and let us know what work you need to have done!
Apr 13
There will be NO monthly lunch this month. It has been replaced by the Scavenger Hunt. See below...
Apr 20
4th Annual Driving Scavenger Hunt - This year will be planned and hosted by last year's winners: Felix and Bob Allen! This is not a race. Event starts in the morning from your home, and ends in the evening at the Allen home for dinner and awards. This event will be in place of the monthly lunch!
May 11
Monthly Lunch - This month's lunch will be planned by Johnny and will be in the West Valley at NOON! Further details TBA.
Jun 8
6th Annual AZ-D Pool Party - This event is an AZ-D favorite!! Tom & Janice open up their home to us and allow us to play in the pool, watch movies in the theater, play air hockey, play pinball, play video games, and the list goes on, and on, and on... Oh yeah, don't forget to bring money for the raffle! This year Mother Nature has agreed to provide us with less monsoon storm action! This event will be in place of the monthly lunch!
Jul 13
Monthly LUNCH - This month will be planned by Doug and Sarah. Details TBA, but it will be at noon in Mesa. Check out the forum!
Aug 10
Monthly LUNCH - This month will be held at Joe's Crab Shack at NOON in Tempe (Southern & McClintock location). The last time we went to Joe's we had a great showing of cars and people. They even gave us free appetizers! Priority parking for DeLoreans!
Sep 14
Monthly DINNER - This month we are going German! Meet at 7:00PM at Zur Kate in Mesa. See forum for additional details!
Oct 12
Monthly LUNCH - This month will be at the Cornish Pasty Co. in Mesa at Dobson and Guadalupe and will be planned by Kris and Stephanie. Since summer is (supposedly) over we are now back on the lunch schedule, so we will meet at NOON.
Nov 9
4th Annual Fall Color Tour - This year instead of heading up North to Sedona, or the Grand Canyon, we will be going South to Tombstone! This event will be planned by Frank. There will be caravans set up from the East Valley as well as the West Valley. Plan to spend the entire day in the Southern part of the state. Some people may choose to spend the night, although that is entirely up to the individual and not a necessary part of the event! This event is in place of the monthly lunch.
Dec 7
2013 AZ-D Holiday Party - The event of the year! Now, with even more raffle prizes! This year our holiday party will once again be held at the home of Richard and Kathy Federico (The Clubhouse) in Stanfield, AZ. Meet at 1:00PM. Be sure to bring money for the raffle and a wrapped gift for the gift exchange! If you would like to bring a dessert it is always appreciated (and eaten)!

For non AZ-D club related events, car shows, cruise-ins and the like, check out the Cruisin' Arizona website at for a comprehensive list of upcoming car culture related activities located throughout the state of Arizona. For regional events throughout the Southwest, check out the Desert Cruisers Web site at