Holiday Party - December 2008

Caravan meetup in the Golden Corral parking lot.

Seems we make our own car show wherever we go.

Steve telling trucker stories to Tom & Doug.

Host Richard Federico made us delicious food as usual.

And this is why we love Richard. AZ-D immortalized in marshmallows and sweet potatoes. It didn't look that nice for long!

New members & old meet and bond over lunch.

The meeting in full swing, we got quite the turnout! Food and official business together at last.

Laura passed the Key Member award to surprised and honored husband Hugh. Raffle and Gift Exchange followed shortly.

The odds of a vintage BTTF Libyan style VW bus lurking around a parking lot full of DeLoreans in Stanfield... unreal.

We armed them with a "rocket launcher"...

And recreated the slowest Twin Pines mall chase, ever.  Top speed maaaybe 25.

 New member Eric checking out the time machine. He's picking his moment to buy another DeLorean.

We make for an impressive lineup, don't we?

The Richards meet to discuss Richard business. Neighbors and gawkers check out our cars.

Looking a little like the KAPAC shipping yard, we fill the lot.

Daniel heading off into the darkness, on the phone of course!